28 March 2013

Upside Down... Again...

One day you are up, and when you think the weather will always be calm, you are down again. Well, that's life. And you spent everything - material, energy, emotion - to keep on living. I think some people resorted to suicide because they think they could not go on living. Well,  it is just my guess... Because that's what I think whenever I thought about ending my life. Do I sound suicidal?

Well... Lets just say that I am currently down and not thinking straight and that my emotions are controlling my brain. Life is hard for me now, but I know out there, there are people who lives life harder than mine. So I must not be too negative right? I hope this will pass and I will be happy again.

It's just that right now everything is just too emotionally burdensome for me. I really feel like I can't take it anymore. I'm just too tired emotionally and I can my body is taking the toll of this emotional baggage I'm carrying. I hope things will be alright again soon.

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