04 June 2005

A Sonnet For My Friend

A soul of kindness
Her heart brings brightness
A friend in need
Is a true friend indeed

Secrets unfold
Her love never cold
Laughter and tears
She holds both so dear

Wise she is not
But smart all the same
When her mood is hot
She could drive me insane!

A silent listener
An informal adviser
Criticize she has never
Or judgmental to others

She is a cheer
She is my dear
Always by my side
In high or low tides

A friend for ever
I wish she would be
We’ll stay together
In life’s eternity

1 comment:

Azwad said...

Yo, Dang! Aku ni. ok juga blog kau ni. Letakle guest book juga. Aku sempat juga baca sekali lalu je. Kira ok pasal benda macam ni positif untuk minda. The mind is the most precious thing. If we don't let things come out, we go crazy. Keep it up. Aku link kan blog kau kat blog aku juga.